Welcome to Oregon City School District online payments!
Parents of Oregon City School District Students:
1st Time Users:
Username: Your ParentVUE username
Password: Click here to set your password
It may take up to 24 hours after creating your ParentVUE account before being able to log in.
Returning Users:
Username: Your ParentVUE username
Password: Password created during first visit
If you need to reset your password, please CLICK HERE to have a password reset email sent to your email address on file.
* You MUST have a ParentVUE account in order to use the online payments portal. If you do not currently have a ParentVUE account and you wish to use the online payment portal, please contact your school to obtain your activation key and then CLICK HERE to begin the process.
*Password is case sensitive
**Please contact the school if you are having trouble signing in.
***If you are a parent or have students within the district, please do not create a guest account and login with your student account
Accepted Card Types

**For guest users (if you don't have a student enrolled in the District), please
CLICK HERE to create an account**